Registration RSSB

Welcome to the RISQS registration page.

Once registered you can complete the RISQS questionnaire with your company information, select product codes and submit these for verification. Once you have completed the process, you will become visible to the RISQS Buyers.

Once payment has been made you will receive your login details.

If you have any queries please feel free to get in touch with us at

RISQS Supplier: 1 Product Code

Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme supplier subscription based on a single product/service code. Your RISQS subscription will allow you to provide your company information to the 100+ buyers using the RISQS scheme, enabling you to pre-qualify for new business and ensure continued compliance for existing business.

RISQS Supplier: 2 to 24 Product/Service Codes

Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme supplier subscription for companies requiring 2 to 24 product/service codes. Your RISQS subscription will allow you to provide your company information to the 100+ buyers using the RISQS scheme, enabling you to pre-qualify for new business and ensure continued compliance for existing business.

RISQS Supplier: 25 to 199 Product/Service Codes

Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme supplier subscription for companies requiring 25 to 199 product/service codes. Your RISQS subscription will allow you to provide your company information to the 100+ buyers using the RISQS scheme, enabling you to pre-qualify for new business and ensure continued compliance for existing business.

RISQS Supplier: 200+ Product/Service Codes

Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme supplier subscription for companies requiring 200+ product/service codes. Your RISQS subscription will allow you to provide your company information to the 100+ buyers using the RISQS scheme, enabling you to pre-qualify for new business and ensure continued compliance for existing business.

RISQS Supplier Patron

Purchase a RISQS supplier subscription with added functionality. Supplier Patron allows you to source RISQS registered suppliers and manage risk within your supply chain. Cost of Supplier Patron is £660 + the cost of the RISQS Subscription + VAT.

Supplier Patron +
Select Product Codes

Register for Buyer Access

A RISQS buyer subscription allows you to source RISQS registered suppliers and manage risk within your supply chain. Cost of the RISQS Buyer is £7,854 + VAT.

If you would like to register as a Buyer please email

Need Help?

If you are not sure what level is right for you, you are stuck, or have any other questions, you can contact us in a number of ways. Telephone 0800 4101 300 or email to

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